Like or Have Not

Y’all know.

Y’all know, those of ya who ‘know’ me.

I live for your ‘likes’

I live for comments to continue whatever conversations…

But, of late, I have received some ‘instant likes’

From people I follow.

How does this happen?

I post something, and I get instant ‘like’

This is bullshit.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, one should ponder:

I do not ‘like’ posts I have not read.

Please do not ‘like’ shit you have not read.

Just for the sake of ‘liking’

This does not impress me.

28 thoughts on “Like or Have Not

  1. I don’t know why that posted twice! Dang it! It said the first one didn’t sent. It’s aliens. Yep.

  2. You’re very welcome. Robot aliens need shot. Hahaha! Part of my R&R this week is to read your blog, so get prepared for the likes! 🙂

  3. Hahaha! Me too Anna.
    But I am suspicious when I post a few paragraph post and immediately a ‘like’ pops up.
    I suspect robot aliens.
    Thanks for your likes. I do appreciate them.
    And I appreciate your feedback.

  4. I don’t like something unless I’ve read it. I’m a fast reader though. I also love the like button. 🙂

  5. I believe you! Thank you for commenting. My point of the post was that I thought there may be some ‘bot app’ that automates WP to like anyone you are following until you can get around to actually liking or not. Hmmm…..does that make any sense? Like? or Not? Heheheheh

  6. Can’t speak for anyone else…. But you’re only getting a like from me if I read it AND actually liked it.

    Sometimes I don’t have time to comment, but always do If I have a free moment

  7. I got involved in just about every (non-church) charity fundraiser that came along, but we didn’t have any read-a-thons. I’d have been all over that. All of the something-a-thons that I got into were physical things, and most of them painful before they were over. I guess it’s not really a good something-a-thon if no one goes to the ER. 😀

  8. I have no idea, but I just know that when I hit ‘publish’ and within a micro second I get a ‘like’….smells bullshit to me. Just saying,
    And of course, with comments, we know who is reading and who ain’t. Likes are dandy, but liquor is quicker: send booze.
    Love ya Mad Annie: you KNOW I READ your shit.

  9. Been there, done that! Remember the read-a-thons for the march of Dimes? People who knew me well would pledge a quarter a book, because they knew I’d probably get through up to 30 books in the period allowed. My dad’s boss made a mistake the first year he sponsored me, and gave me FIVE DOLLARS a book….. Think I made the most money in the district that year! LOL

  10. PS When I say submissive, I mean a full fledged blog on how to be one.
    Seriously, you follow a victim of DV to teach her how to be submissive? What the hell?

  11. He ain’t heavy he’s my brother.

    I had to block a few women who followed my site who were submissives if you know what I mean. I was truly pissed. It was like a slap in the face.

    My hero.

  12. Honey, I don’t look for true followers. I am just working thru some shit. I would never ‘block’ anyone. I have far too few to block.
    That said, I love that way you seem to like my words. Honestly.
    You always make me smile, and most do not. You are a survivor. I just play at it.
    (Was that too heavy?) How I feel anyway.

  13. I suppose it could be me who’s pissing you off that way. I got in trouble in elementary school for reading too fast, whatever that means. My third grade teacher really had a problem with it, would make me approach her desk and answer questions to prove that I’d actually read the material and comprehended it.

  14. It upsets me too. I’m not a writer as much as a writer for a cause, but every single word is written in blood and I don’t cotton to such.
    You share some very personal stories at your place and it should be appreciated. If not they need to move on.
    Your true followers will follow on.
    I have blocked a few for it.

  15. It pisses me off Teela. I write from my soul. I do not appreciate robots. I love your writing and we are mutual fans; I always read your stuff before liking or not liking. That is the point, ain’t it?

Comments are magical