I Was So Scared… I Always Wet My Pants Ever’time I Got Arrested

More Molly.


Prolly gonna get arrested for copyright’en violations

But, Y’all know what?

Ya caint get blood out of a turnip.

Hope you enjoy.

Will write some more original shit soon.

But here is more Molly: H.Ross Perot;  Texans I Admire

And related: Kinky

Cheers, Y’all

7 thoughts on “I Was So Scared… I Always Wet My Pants Ever’time I Got Arrested

  1. Start with “Molly Ivins Can’t Say That…”
    My personal fav.
    Huzzah! Another Molly Fan!
    Love you for that.
    Molly was perfection.

  2. Bought most all her books a few years back when I was home-bound for a bit, but never got around to reading – yet, but fixing to! I can honestly say, I have never wanted to be a beauty queen, and once I got to know most of the cheerleaders, didn’t want to be a part of that either 😉 (No offense to other cheerleaders out there – just wasn’t my thing.) NO – I wasn’t a “good/proper” southern girl LOL! Thanks for the post!!

  3. Teela, If the book cost a hunnerd dollar, it would be too cheap.
    I have purchased it three times. (Ever’time I leave a place, I forget to pack my books) Life is just a tire swing and a revolving door for me, it would seem.
    Happy Thursday!

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