Here is Your Daily *Lenny* On Obscenity. Please Re-Visit. I Did. You Can Too.

*New Idea for a “Cat-Oh-Glory”

Why Do I do that? It is so fucking stupid. There is really nothing clever there. It is just picking low fruit. (Difficult for ‘The Smartest Man in the Room‘ to Admit…)

Here is a vow to all who read me: I will refrain, in the future, from using, stupid, cute, puns, –and commas)

But I love commas.

Gonna be difficult, to abandon, them, them, commas.

This is how I speak: Sometimes I even say… “Well, this is this and that is that..(pregnant pause) comma.” I just throw it in there, as I cannot ‘write’ it at the time. Granted, I get some dumb looks, but it amuses me…”

“Hey Mavis! Come over he’ah! This Boy speaks punkuation! Y’all aint gonna b’leave this shit! Hey Boy! speak me sum mo’ grammers.”

Yep. Gonna be difficult to leave the commas.

(We shall discuss ellipsis… tomorrow…)



Most Certainly.

Will probably delete this tomorrow…

Read Fast

“Write Drunk: Edit Sober.”

–Hemingway (probably apocryphal)

(I’m down with the first; it’s the second I seem to struggle against)

However, I do hope some of you out there enjoy Lenny Bruce.

Jest Saying, In jest.

Let me know

(and soon)

Before I turn me into a newt.

Yeah, I know: acquired taste, but I just cannot help myself.

He makes me happy

*Warning: Obscene Shit Here*


P.S. My mind is a terrible thing.

And I do find me, ashamed of me.

By and by…


11 thoughts on “Here is Your Daily *Lenny* On Obscenity. Please Re-Visit. I Did. You Can Too.

  1. Hi Anna,
    Yeah, Hemingway had it goin’ on. It’s good advice, but you must follow it to the letter, a dictate I sometimes have trouble with.
    Thanks for reading and commenting.

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