What a Piece of Work

Scrambling to post…

(Don’t worry: I really don’t mean a word of it)


Here are two of my ‘Favourite’ Things.

(Okay: Three, or Four, or even more)

“I have of late, though wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth.”

Must See (related here) Oui, C’est la vie

I just threw this in to see if y’all were paying attention

This concludes today’s history lesson.

And yes: these will be on the test.



And of course there is this:

Your Humble Servant: Capt. Von Trapp, circa, 1975

Your Humble Servant: Capt. Von Trapp, circa, 1975











And This:

If there is a greater actor than Derek Jacobi, I’d like to meet him / her.

6 thoughts on “What a Piece of Work

  1. The Sound of Music is my all time fave! I know every word, line, song, etc. Just ask any of my friends to find out how annoying I can be with it lol!

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