Repost: Sarah is visited by Jesus Christ

Lenny sends his regrets, but he had a conflict and couldn’t make it.

He did phone one in however (Thanks Lenny)

Happily, Sarah was available and graciously agreed to stand in.

Anyway, Here is your ‘Daily Lenny’, with the lovely and irreverently wonderful Sarah Silverman.

May be offensive to some, so watch at your own annoyance.

Thank you for your visit, and comments are encouraged, welcomed, and desired.

More Sarah and Lenny Here:

9 thoughts on “Repost: Sarah is visited by Jesus Christ

  1. Given the sorts who can make it in any branch of the US military, that’s a pretty sad indictment. But then, ya know, he was a lifer so he’d already made a habit of sad self-indictments.

  2. If Jesus couldn’t make it in decently in the AF, he certainly would not have made it in the Nav.
    Great story Heathen.

  3. After watching Sarah on Bill Maher, it only makes sense to see this once more.
    Again, I appreciate her point, and she makes it well.

  4. That’s nuthin’. I met Jesus in 1981 in Biloxi, Mississippi. He was incarnate as a US Air Force Technical Sergeant, and was being horribly persecuted (via roads and grounds duty, picking up litter and cigarette butts) for his religious beliefs. The Air Force demanded that he keep his hair groomed in accordance with Air Force Regulation 35-10, but as Jesus he couldn’t do that. He answered to a higher power. A higher power called “everyone knows Jesus didn’t have a regulation haircut”.

    That is a 100% true story. It wasn’t the last time I’d meet Jesus, but it was the only time I can recall ever even hearing of Jesus being enlisted in the US military.

  5. Sadie, I was actually in bed, trying to sleep when I awoke with a start, and realized I had to repost this. Jesus must have come to me in my dream.
    (Uh… OK…now that statement is probably offensive to some)
    Yet, I am edgy. Hahaha
    Thank you for having a sense of humor. You and yours are my audience.

    OK, now I can go back to bed and finally sleep. Soundly.
    En Sha’allah!

  6. Found this the other day – LOVED it LMAO!!!! 😉 (my sense of humor is a bit raw & I do not offend easily 😉 )

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