Daily Lenny: or Blast From Some Past, or… I Really Do Not Care What You Think.

Okay. Actually, I do.

“And it took LBJ six months to learn how to say ‘negro’.” Yah! You will have to listen to Lenny to get the bit… Sorry. Price of admission here at TT&H.

I am an arrogant Texan, but I love Lenny Bruce: A man just about as far from removed from Texan as one could ever be. (Except maybe George Bush the Elder)

Lenny was no friend to Texas or Texans

Lyndon Johnson

The Scar He Was So Proud Of

Thanks Lenny


The Real Scar

The Real Scar


Please listen (and comment)

Bless Y’all Lenny…

LBJ: Just Another Guy Looking Out for His Nuts:


See? Lance Really Does Have a Sense of Humour! 

The Bust

4 thoughts on “Daily Lenny: or Blast From Some Past, or… I Really Do Not Care What You Think.

  1. You can lay all of that proud Texican shit out there that you want to lay out, but appreciating Lenny Bruce means you get voted off the fucking island, man. At least as far as Las Cruces.

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