I Fukking Love Movies (Good Ones) And There is Only One Man These Days I’d Sit Down and Get Drunk With and Discuss Them (Becuz I’m an asshole and very particular about the company I keep)


Can you guess who?

Here’s a clue and a nickel:

1st the Clue:


Now the Nickel:


He makes Sissykel and Ekbert

Look like vanilla pabulum chocolate.


Nobody – The Perfect Antidote To Modern Action Films

Street Cred: Crit Drinker

Drinker’s Extra Shots – Kelly’s Heroes:



(Must Watch/Too Funny)

Vid Clip Compile Cred: dingo585


Why Modern Movies Suck – Setup And Payoff

Cred: The Critical Drinker (Duh)


Modern Moviemaking In A Nutshell – Drinker Does A Rant


Added Bonus(s):

M*A*S*H (1970) Trailer #1

Vid Cred: Movieclips Classic Trailers


Movie M.A.S.H. (funeral scene) – “Suicide is painless”

Vid Share Cred: donyfernando

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