Lance Looks in the Mirror

First time in some years…

(Risky, Dangerous Enterprise? Yes?!)

Casually regards the visage staring back at him.

“Something’s missing,” he says.

Dons DEVO hat.


Hell yeah!

That’s the “Look!”


“Maternity Flight Suits????”

Joe? Really?

I never watched the movie, “G.I. Jane”

(Because it was a farce and insulted the Navy SEAL program), but… come on Man!”

“Maternity Flight Suits????”


(Maybe it is time for me to give ‘G.I. Jane’ a second chance. Cannot possibly be worse than the garbage coming down the pike these days.)


I died along the way.

But at least I showed up.



This post is in desperate need of some


To talk me down off that ledge

I have found me Precariously placed on…

(or is it ‘upon’?)

Which is the ‘proper’ word?

Ask me how many fucks I give.

I write; therefore I Yam!

Just call me ‘Popeye!’


Vid Cred: jmms429

Song credit: Who do you think?

I Don’t Even Know Where to Begin

I thought the world


fucked on August 08, 2014.

Little did I know

I had no idea things were so good then compared to where we would find ourselves on August 08, 2020.

We are, all of us, properly fucked.

(At least we shall all go down together.)

While Riding On this Blue Marble.