If You Are ‘A Madonna Hater’, I Humbly Suggest Y’all Skip This One.

WOW! This POST Is Way Tooo Long!

“I’m Still A-Searchin’ For My Rainbow “Happy Place!”

Oh Wait! I Found IT!

LOST At Sea In Maddy-Madness!”


Brings Me Happiness!

Endless Happy!


She Has Enriched My Life!

Immensely! Immeasurably!


(I spent a few little minutes building this one)

I do hope you enjoy my “Work”!)


“Searchin For A Rainbow”



Yep. I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool


Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go fu*k yourselves. (Just Jokin’)

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-My-Senior-Level Brit Lit Professor, propped me down in front of the TV one night and plugged in

“Truth or Dare.”

And Then All She Said Was,

“Watch This! And LOVE It! If You Don’t,

Our “Future Flies Right Out The Window!

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

Of Course I Watched it

And Loved It!

What Other Choice Did I Have?

I was hopin’ to get laid

Fun Fact:


And It Was Magical

By the End of the Film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy,

(Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!


“God Knows, I’m A Bitch!”


Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!

Shonnie Was My ‘Lady Macbeth’– Just Thought You Should Know This B4 You Attempt To Wade Your Way Thru This Pointless Post.

(If You Are New Here & Confused,

Just Perform A ‘Search’ For “Shonnie’ In The Search… Never-Mind…


“Look Like the Innocent Flower, But Be The Serpent under’t”


“Come you Spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, Unsex me Here.”Or…

How to Play Mumbley Peg | The Art of Manliness


Been Here.

Done This!

(And I Have The Scars To Prove It)


Cred: Art of Manliness


Out Of All Shakespearean Female Characters

This Cowboy Finds Lady Macbeth

The Most Captivating

The Most Fascinating

The Most Stimulating

The Most Everlasting

Francesca Annis, The Best Lady Macbeth

Ever! and Forever!


Blond Ambition:


“Take The Dagger”

She Didn’t Verbalize That. She Didn’t Have To

Just Look Into Her Eyes. Could You Say ‘No?”

I Know I couldn’t.



     My dearest love,

Duncan comes here tonight.


     And when goes hence?


Tomorrow, as he purposes.


     O, never

Shall sun that morrow see!

Your face, my thane, is as a book where men

May read strange matters. To beguile the time,

Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye,

Your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower,

But be the serpent under ’t. He that’s coming

Must be provided for; and you shall put

This night’s great business into my dispatch,

Which shall to all our nights and days to come

Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.


We will speak further


Only look up clear.

To alter favor ever is to fear.

Leave all the rest to me


“Make Thick My Blood”

“Unsex Me Here”


Why do I hold Lady Macbeth in such high esteem one may ask?

Isn’t it patently obvious?

She is cunning. She is manipulative. She is strong. (Much stronger than her husband)

“Screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail.”


She is intelligent.

She is ‘ambition-on-steroids’.

She is resolute.

She is brave.


She is Affectionate and Loving.

(Yes! Oh Yes She Is!—To her husband)


She is loyal (The whole world of her ambition is her husband)


She is broken.

She is madness. (In mind and in deed)

“Out! damned spot! One, two, — why, then ‘tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier and a-feard?

What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? – Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.”


She is Beautiful.

She is Beautiful.

She is So Very Beautiful


In very many respects, she reminds me of Shonnie.


But now she is gone.

“Out, Out Brief Candle

Please Believe What I Now Speak:

“I Have Supped Full of Horrors.”

Indeed! I Have!


And now for something completely different…

Just a little levity.

‘Tis Good For The Soul.

Street Cred For Vid: Wisecrack

I AM REALLY Tryin’ To Send Some Money To My Thug-Notes Homie,

But Guess What?!

The Internet is FUCKING STUPID.Yet, Know This:

The KEY To Posting On-The-Internet… Is Patience.

You Just Gotta Out-Last ’em!

But Don’t Worry! I Will Work it OUT!


Author’s Note (And Two-Cents):

Yes, I know.

Roman Polanski is an Asshole.

So What?


Anyone who ‘reads me’ knows my position on ‘artists’ and art.

If you do not, here is the ‘short’ version:

“I don’t give two cups of warm spit about what they (artists, creators, movie stars, entertainers, et cetera) do off camera, off stage, away from the set, away from the recording booth. Or whatever they choose to do while in their boudoirs.

All I care about is what they create.

Does it enrich my life?

Does it entertain me?

Does it educate me?

Does it make me laugh?

Does it make me cry?

Does it move me?

Or Does It Waste My Time?

These are the only measures of worth I employ.”


Anything Else IS A WASTE of my Mental Energy and My Time.

And My Time is the Most Valuable Thing I Own.

Or as we say in Texas (Usually about Land, but it fits even better in this context):

“Time, get all you can.

Keep all you can.

They ain’t making any more of it.”

That door swings both ways:

So, I hope I have NOT wasted YOUR Time.



More Two Cents Worth Regarding Art and Artists Here:

Below Please Find The Relevant Text If You Do Not Want To Follow The Link To The Complete Post Above.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.


Want a Second Opinion?

Watch this from Critical Drinker:

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.

Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.


Cheers Again!

Fun, Stupid Aside: I Once Shot (And Killed A Mocking-Bird–State Bird Of Texas–It WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!

(And Yet Must I Re-Iterate , Re-Irritate, The Obvious?–

I Wrote A University – Level Paper,,,

On This Book/Movie)

(I Hid / Buried/ The Body...)

A LOT Of Shit To Wade Thru Here. Better Pour Yourself TWO BEERS! “This Is Just a “Puff Piece” All About One of My Favorite Women Of-All-Time. Surprised?

There is some ‘Lance Marcom’ Philosophy Embedded–Read With Caution, if you are easily ‘trigger’d’ Trigger.

And, as the Erstwhile Dixie Chicks once said,

“Oh thank Heavens for Dale Evens.”

Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go fuck yourselves.

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-the-Professor, sat me down in front of the TV one night and put on “Truth or Dare.”

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

By the end of the film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!


Take A ‘Holiday’ From HATE & Vitriol Y’all.


Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!

I’m Still Searchin’ For My Rainbow “Happy Place” Oh Wait. Found IT! Madonna Brings Me Happiness. Endless Happy-Ness! Kinda like pondering the Actual Existence of Nessie, The Loch-Ness Monster

I LOVE HER! She Has Enriched My Life! Immensely! Immeasurably! Fore-ev’r-ably! (I spent a few little minutes building this one) I do hope you enjoy my “Work”!)


Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go fuck yourselves.

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-the-Professor, sat me down in front of the TV one night and put on “Truth or Dare.”

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

By the end of the film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!



Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!

Must Re-Post. Sorry–I Am Lonely & Wallowing In Mine Own Self-Pity. So I ‘Drown’ My Sorrows In The Deep Well of Lady Mac-Bee. (And In The Shallow Well of Cheap Vodka)

She Makes Me ‘Happy’–Sort-Of. I Love Her! I Desire Her In My Life. “‘Tis A Consummation Devoutly to Be Wished”

(Sorry Y’all–Wrong Play Reference)


‘Shakespearean’ Kind of Day. This Here Cowboy… For My Missed Sis: Madelyn, My Lady Macbeth: I Miss Her, Marvelous Much, And I’ll Never Forgive Her–For Dying On Me. Bitch!

“Look like th’innocent flower,

But be the Serpent under’t” or “Come you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here.”

–Lady Mac B


Out Of All Shakespearean Female Characters

This Cowboy Finds Lady Macbeth

The Most Captivating

The Most Fascinating

The Most Stimulating

The Most Everlasting

Francesca Annis, The Best Lady Macbeth

Ever! and Forever!


Blond Ambition:


“Take The Dagger”

She Didn’t Verbalize That. She Didn’t Have To

Just Look Into Her Eyes. Could You Say ‘No?”

I Know I couldn’t.



     My dearest love,

Duncan comes here tonight.


     And when goes hence?


Tomorrow, as he purposes.


     O, never

Shall sun that morrow see!

Your face, my thane, is as a book where men

May read strange matters. To beguile the time,

Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye,

Your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower,

But be the serpent under ’t. He that’s coming

Must be provided for; and you shall put

This night’s great business into my dispatch,

Which shall to all our nights and days to come

Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.


We will speak further


Only look up clear.

To alter favor ever is to fear.

Leave all the rest to me


“Unsex Me Here”


Why do I hold Lady Macbeth in such high esteem one may ask?

Isn’t it patently obvious?

She is cunning. She is manipulative. She is strong. (Much stronger than her husband)

“Screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail.

”Have You Lost Your Mind? Your Will?”


She is intelligent.

She is ‘ambition-on-steroids’.

She is resolute.

She is brave.


She is Affectionate and Loving.

(Yes! Oh Yes She Is!—To her husband)


She is loyal (The whole world of her ambition is her husband)


She is broken.

She is madness. (In mind and in deed)

“Out! damned spot! One, two, — why, then ‘tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? – Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.”


She is Beautiful.

She is Beautiful.

She is So Very Beautiful


In very many respects, she reminds me of Shonnie.



But now she is gone.

“Out, Out Brief Candle”


And now for something completely different…

Just a little levity.

‘Tis Good For The Soul.

Street Cred For Vid: Wisecrack


Author’s Note (And Two-Cents):

Yes, I know.

Roman Polanski is an Asshole.

So What?

Anyone who ‘reads me’ knows my position on ‘artists’ and art.

If you do not, here is the ‘short’ version:

“I don’t give two cups of warm spit about what they (artists, creators, movie stars, entertainers, et cetera) do off camera, off stage, away from the set, away from the recording booth. Or whatever they choose to do while in their boudoirs.

All I care about is what they create.

Does it enrich my life?

Does it entertain me?

Does it educate me?

Does it make me laugh?

Does it make me cry?

Does it move me?

Or Does It Waste My Time?

These are the only measures of worth I employ.”


Anything Else IS A WASTE of my Mental Energy and My Time.

And My Time is the Most Valuable Thing I Own.

Or as we say in Texas (Usually about Land, but it fits even better in this context):

“Time, get all you can.

Keep all you can.

They ain’t making any more of it.”

That door swings both ways:

So, I hope I have NOT wasted YOUR Time.



More Two Cents Worth Regarding Art and Artists Here:

Below Please Find The Relevant Text If You Do Not Want To Follow The Link To The Complete Post Above.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.


Want a Second Opinion?

Watch this from Critical Drinker

So Fukken Poignant

If Not, That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.

Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.


Cheers Again!

Very Severely / Terminally Related to My Most Recent Post. But Suicide is NOT an Option That Works Well for Me. I Mean, Who’s Gonna Stick Around and Clean up The Mess?

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-the-Professor, sat me down in front of the TV one night and put on “Truth or Dare.”

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

By the end of the film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!



Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!
