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Perusin’ For a Brusin’

I was perusing my recent posts (Yes I do that, mostly to make sure I did not fail to comply, to reply to any and all comments—my ‘House’ Policy: ‘Reply, Upon Pain of Death, To All Comments’–That is how WE Roll.)

In some truth, I do this because I am just that vain.

Well now, with that little bit of TMI outta the way, Here is the pointless point to this ‘pre-post.’

“A ‘Pre-Post?’ some may ask.

“Yep. A Pre-Post.”

“Whatever could he mean?”

“Just this:”

Often ideas for ‘posts’ come from music (duh).

As I was driving to the Beer / Copenhagen Store, my Favorite Radio Station (read: the only one whut is worth a shit here in this Elvis’ City of Music by the Mississippi), was playing this song:

Vid Cretion (sp): 

It, the song, reminded me of my first Stripper/Madonna/Whore/Single-mother/mutha/ethnic sexual love of my life.


I was, if memory serves, 10 years old at the time, yet I never ever forgot her name:


And she ruined me for all the ‘other’ women to come, or not to come, in my life.

Thanks Hun…

Stay tuned…

P.S. And of course there is some ‘back-story’ to this “Pre-Post”

Hell! There always is and generally accompanied by a ‘link’.

If not, well then… then you would not be here at TT&H.

Now would you?


Here is the ‘Back Door’ Policy.

And whoever said the Eighties were devoid of good music??

Hell! I love(d) them. Grew into Manhood in Them…

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