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Ode’ to Facebook…

She nailed it.

My Beautiful Sister, Ann Marie Vancas,

wrote this and posted it on Facebook.

So naturally I had no qualms about stealing it. (I did ask her permission however) 

Seeing and reading into pieces of people’s lives….the musicians..the actors…artists…housewives…doctors…famous and the not so famous…
The memes…the themes…the lives and the lies..
People crying..and people dying…
Beach trips…road trips..acid trips…
I have met many people and lost them on this site…
The fights… the flights…the makeups and the breakups…
A reality show with thousands of channels…
Windows into people’s lives…sometimes what is really there and sometimes…only what they want you to see..
The Liberals…the Conservatives..the Middle of the Roaders…
The comfort and the chastisements from strangers and friends alike..
The all over the place posters…and the take it to the private messagers…
The celebrations..and the tears….
But before all of this…
The beach trips..the road trips…
Long talks under and over …
the bridges of the bayous…
Late nite cigarettes on the trunk of my old chevy…
Long talks that never…ever got heavy…
The loves and the heartbreaks…
the blood sisters and the pinky shakes…
Sun tans on the roof…
And always…
feeling Bullet Proof…
My best friend…who always knew…
I was never much good….
At saying Good-Bye…

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