Site icon Texan Tales & Hieroglyphics With A Twisted Twist

You Just Know It’s a Bad Sign When…

There are NO, None, Nada, Zero shopping carts available when you walk into Kroger’s.

But, since I am a ‘New’ Man, full of patience (and some remorse), I took a deep breath and decided that it is all good. I really did not need to be in a hurry. Hell! What a wonderful opportunity to ‘People Watch’

So I ‘patiently’ waited for a cart, then went on ‘bout my business, even exchanging smiles and conversation with some of my fellow Kroger-ites.

Then I went even further: I had a CONVERSATION with the Check-Out Lady (Whom I discovered was from Ukraine.) Could have talked to her for hours. What a wonderfully articulate Lady she was. (and pretty too) But, alas there were people behind me needing to check out as well…

Maybe next time.


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