Some May Call This as a Call… To Y’all

But, I call it…. Nope!

Yer call!

“The cannons don’t thunder; there’s nothin’ to plunder…”

Y’all know…

Here is an opinion y’all did not see coming: This is a Stupid Fantasy Song. A Texan said that! Nay! I am (he said, “A Comanche!” 

Now, that is funny…

Guess so… 

Not to put too fine a point upon it, but, I have a finite time left. Once upon a time, I stepped on a dime and it was promised to me, you see… I never contemplated ‘finite’, as you see, everything was infinite to me… And in my unsung mind, that was how it should be. Unshining dime.

No mas

No more.

Certainly no less.


Anyway, as ‘brevity is the soul of wit…’ I find me witness, er,  wireless, sycophant.

I got ROBBED by Thesim And some other is ‘ISM’s!!!!

(Yes! I am looking for a fight. A fight with all you Hyper-Christians. Yep)

And yes! YES! We can be as radical as you!

I Had to go to Egypt. Egypt! Egypt! 

To sate… me.


Upon sober reflection, I decided to ‘edit’ that bit out.


“Why, Oh Why Lance, do you edit yourself?”

“Because I can Grasshopper. Because I can.”


 And, NO! This ain’t no suicide! Note: This is a preamble, to the gamble… I lost.

Lost? You ask?

Yes! Lost!


The curve!

That curve!

That, “Hey Lance! Let’s run dope! Lance! No,”..Lance, let us not ‘run’ thru mis…Miss Mis. No!”

I made me. I did that. I worked hard. I was honour. I was. It was never enuff to make the money. Was it?

There was never enough!

Was There!!

Apparently not.



I laugh at my own hyperbole.

I do.

 I really do …

fade back into the shadows; I Am no World Leader…

But I screwed the pooch…

and then I begged forgiveness from my father.

Guess what?

He gave.

I denied. For you see? 

That did not matter anymore.

Now, this is a test.


Because I am bored. I have severed my country… 

I Just wanna see…how good… is the NSA.

(and… I am a bit of a ‘rebel’ all in all…)

And when the U. S. A. Understands that, then that… will fix…

And vex… us all.


End of Rant (ain’t ya glad?)

-Lance (The Nice One)


 “Just takes a while!”

I feeel like I’ve drown’d’

Gonna he’d up town…

 meanwhile back at the ranch…

Da Plane! Da Plane!

11 thoughts on “Some May Call This as a Call… To Y’all

  1. Reblogged this on Texan Tales & Hieroglyphics and commented:

    OK, Y’all.
    This is just too funny not to share.
    What the hell was I thinking (drinking?)
    This proves my point that all of us, all of us should keep a journal. If for no better reason than to see how stupid we were in the past, even if that ‘past’ was just a few short weeks/months/years ago. We all grow ‘stupid’er; but we should at least recognize that tomorrow we will be somewhat smarter..
    or not.

  2. “I go for younger women; Lived with several a while….. made enuff money to buy Miami…pissed it away so fast… never meant to last…
    “Lance, You Lie”
    (you may enjoy the below…when you might find an hour or so… Yep. It is very long, almost a novella)
    “Lance, You are a lying sonuvabitch”
    Or words to that effect.
    It is, afterall, a work in progress..

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