“Le Space Race.” Or, “Computer Games For My Fun, But For No Profit & No Wives” *I Could Survive W/O The Wives, But Never Without The Computer Gaming Lives I Lived–Am Still Living*

Figured this is as good as that.

OR… why waste good ancient prose?

Your choice.

Here ya go:


Now that is a good term from the Cold War, i.e., ‘Le Space Race.’
However, it still rings true today; rings true as something, almost… unattainable, yet so very much coveted.

“Escape Velocity”

Cal Gone! Take me away! (sic) Yeah: sick.

Point is, I have spent the better part of my life ‘playing’ computer games. Some might be tempted to label them ‘video’ games.
(They are NOT video games, Love: they are ways I increase my mental, mental…”)
Old Story warning here:

That guy. That guy, who used to write about distance running, what was his name” Oh Yeah! Joe Henderson; I read all of his books… Oh yeah! He died of a heart-attack… Just details…

He wrote a bit:
His bit went something like this:
He was ‘runnin’ down a road. Some kid says, “Hey, Hi! Mister Jogger!”
He replied, “Hey Kid! I am not a jogger; I am a runner! A ‘Runner!’ Get it right!”
The kid replied, “Well then, why are you jogging?”
I had to laugh; been there, et etcetera…
This is the part where I get pissed. (And when I get pissed… well, you would not like me)

The worst thing one (amongst the uninitiated) is to say, proclaim:
“Are you still playin’ that damn stupid video game?!!”
Perfect retort:

“Yes Madame. I am.”
“Oh. Well, be a good boy and don’t go downtown, protesting’ and such…”
“Yessum. I won’t”
“Good boy there then…”
“Yes, Ma’am.” (“Now Fuck Off” This is what I did truly think)

But,  she I did have a point, but my ‘point’ swerved into something else, which I really do not wanna talk about.
My point it thus: Kids that played computer games in the Eighties are now in charge of your world.
And to loosely quote Forrest Gump:
“That is all I am gonna say about that.”

Some thoughts?

And P.S., Yes! I have of late, been spending some quality time with some of my ‘computer’ games. They know me there, and I don’t have to be too creative (actually, I do, but most….) Well…

My blogging experience is failing me of late. Not to say that I do not appreciate The Community. Just to say… that I am between gigs and this is beginning to weigh upon me.

Certainly, I will be about, but please do not chastise me for not visiting your respective blogs on a respective basis. (My intent is to intentionally do so, albeit, tomorrow), yet… I am real tired.

And my health is no good.

I will catch up…


I Promise.

“For Love or Money”

“He Grabs At The Air Because There’s Nothin’ There…”

Credit: Joni


And yeah! In case you missed my ‘subliminal’ bullshit:

I still miss Shonnie

’tis a curse: A curse of a good woman.



Tuesday Ed. Note: This Post Makes Absolutely NO SENSE


UBH Chapter Two

So, after the ‘checking in’ process was sorted, I was led into the ‘Community Room’ and parked there.

“Wait! Where is the help I was promised?”

“The doctor will be about shortly”

“Okay. I’ll wait.”

I sat down in the corner and observed the people—my fellow in-mates.

The whole group seemed to be rather lethargic.

“What this group needs is a shot of Beam” I thought to myself.

As I was watching, I spied a young, Ornamental Girl who seemed to have some energy left in her body.

And I wanted to have some chat with her.

Turns out later, her name was ‘Ethel’ (fake name) but no way I could have known that at this time. I just wanted to get close to her.

And, eventually, I did.

Rest is history.

After about two hours of ‘inmate watching’ I sat down, introduced myself and announced ‘I am the smartest person in this room.’

Imagine my surprise when the laughter hit me like a slow bullet.

But ‘Ethel,’ ‘ET’ that was her nic…. Sat down beside me…

Thus began yet another unrequited love affair…

More to come…

She is not Chinese, but I could not find any Cambodian-American songs.

This will have to suffice.

I Am Doll Parts, Or… “How I Came to Live in The Shit Hole Garage Apartment Which was not Really a Garage Apartment, but only a Shit-Hole Underneath a Garage Apartment.”

“I Fake it so real I am beyond Fake.”

Yes, I’m In-Love With Courtney Love.

“I Fake it so real I am beyond Fake.”


Yes, I Know


Memory fails, but I have pieced together something approaching honest fact. I lost my posh digs at Ponderosa Apartments, and was forced to down-size.

Madelyn My Sister (step-sister)


was living large in the ‘Proper Garage Apartment’ and was ‘in good’ with the Landlord. She informed me he had this ‘wonderful little apartment’ for rent, which was ‘just perfect’ for me. Read CHEAP.

I checked it out, paid my fifty bucks and moved in. The moving in took all of two minutes, for I had not much to move.

Working for Ruth at her Liquor store in Ladonia and making a solid three dollars fifty cents an hour (plus ‘benefits), it was indeed, ‘perfect’ for me.

Now mind you, I never complained about living in such a place. After all, it did suit me and no one would have cared anyhow if it didn’t. It had some kind of ‘certain charm (just like this place) to be sure.

How many folks could invite a guest into their home and lead them past the shitter before arriving into the living room/bedroom/kitchen/study proper? As far as I knew, I had the only such place in all of Commerce. It was special.

And truth be told, I did some ‘entertaining’ there a couple of times. The only person who I would invite over was my girlfriend. She never judged me. She was always happy to be with me, no matter the venue. (Yes, that sounds conceited, but there it is Gentle Reader—c’est vrai, or quel dommage, or… choose your own français).

Continue reading

Kitty Muster: Roll Call! Fall in! (You Pussys!) No State-Secret How Much I Love Cats.


Cred For Vid: Stray Cats

Who Ever Said That The Eighties Were Completely Devoid of Great Music?

(Oh Yeah, I Guess I Did–. My BAD!)

Vid Cred: CatsCovers


Had Five
Stand by…

And I will tell you why.

When I first met my soon to be third wife, (Shakespeare / Marlow Professor), She announced to the class, First Day of Class:

“My Name is ‘Lisa,’ but you may address me as ‘Professor’, or ‘Doctor Lisa.’ “

She continued:

I have three ex-husbands and five cats.”

(I was ‘instant – enamored’)

Three weeks later we were living together.

Of course I had to drop out of her class… well just because… I was ‘honorable,’ back in those days.
Seems to me I had two choices. I could sleep with her, or remain her student.

Not both.

I chose the former.

First time she invited me into her apartment the kitties all went crazy, running about, knocking over shit.
Vases, bowls in the kitchen, magazines, flower pots, etcetera.

She said, “They do this every time I return home. They’ll calm down in a few. Wanna drink?”
“Of course” I said.

Then Kitty Roll Call/Introductions:
Oldest to Youngest:

John Paul (AKA ‘Kitty) Old and pure white and touch me not.

Sabrina, Fat and gray, dumb as a box of rocks, huge belly, dragged the floor.

(Months later when we all moved into a real house with real wooden floors, I would spray her belly with Pledge and watch her walk about, dusting the floors…)

Lisa was not amused.

(But I was)

Midge (AKA: “Moochie”) Tiny. Pure solid black. Tiny. Small of frame. I could almost put her in my shirt pocket.

Henry. Large, very large Orange Buff Tabby. Sweetest disposition of ANY Cat I had ever known. He was the ‘Peace-Maker’

Henry had just one character flaw:

Every time I was on the telephone, he would jump onto my lap and ‘Meow’ his ass off.

He Always Had to be the Center of my Attention.

He just would not allow me to have him second in my attention.

Lucia! (AKA “Chia” Cat From Hell.) Black and white. Had a body like Mary-Lou Retton,

kinda chunky and muscular and just as agile. First time I introduced myself, she bit me.

Then She clawed me. Left me bleeding.

(Not Mary Lou: Lucia)

(It was Love at First Bite)


Bonus Added Values:

Camila Cabello!

Shorter Version:

You’re Welcome


To Be Continued…


Lisa and I struggled along after our over-hasty Marriage.

I kept working for Dick Latson @ Latson’s Printing and Office Supply.

Lisa kept working for Texas A&M-Commerce.

After about one year Kitty died. (Recall he was the eldest–14 and change)

So not a huge surprise

But Still!

Broke both of our hearts.

I buried him in the back yard.
Standing over his grave, We Wept.

By now, we both knew our ‘marriage farce’ was rapidly approaching ‘Swan Song’ status.

A month later we sustained a divorce.

She caught a slow boat to Florida for a new job at the University of St. Petersburg (Her PhD ‘Alma Doesn’t Matter’) and a promise of tenure.

From them.

She just had to go.

I concurred.

I cannot finish this just yet.
It gets ‘worse-r’

And sadder

Maybe tomorrow

It will be continued…


A little levity for brevity:

Street Cred for Vid: Enjoyker

Vid Cred: Herr Fuchs

Chap One Here

Chap Two Here

Make It Stop! Make it Stop! MAKE IT STOP!! Jesus Christ On-a-Cracker! Please Make It Stop!

“This is a Rant. Please Do NOT Read. It is Only For me: Venting. Spewing. Pontificating. Bitching, Moaning, & Complaining.” (But On-The-Record)

Stop saying stupid things…

“Take a Listen.

Jordan Peterson

Far More Eloquent Than I–Er—Me.:

Cred For Vid Share: Living your Dreams



The Truth Why Stupid People Think They’re Smart:

Cred for Vid Share: Thoughty2


“Take a listen.”


Fuck does that mean???

Broadcast news always says, “Take a listen”

Take it where?

Put it where?

In my pocket??

How ’bout this:

I will ‘take’ this ‘listen’, put it in my pocket. Then I will pull it out of my pocket and shove it straight up your ass. Now YOU take it!

How’s that?

How’s it Feel?

How’d That Work Out for Ya?


Economy of language!

Now I’ll be the first to admit, I am more verbose than the average mo’fo’ you may encounter, but, but… I at least try to be original.

When did we get so stupid???

“Stupid People”

Cred: George

How about this:

“Here is a video report. Listen to it. Watch it.

If you want

Or Not.”


Cred for Vid: AwakenWithJP


Can we stop saying ‘take a listen’?

By Valerie StraussJanuary 24, 2016

If you listen to the news — pretty much any channel — it is likely that it won’t take more than a few minutes for you to hear someone say “take a listen” and then go to some video. I know it’s hardly one of the world’s big (or even little) problems, and it’s hardly a new one, but I cringe when I hear it. I’m not the only one.

The authors of the great Grammarphobia blog have been on this since 2008, and following is the post they wrote then, and updated on Saturday, Jan. 23 (which I am republishing with permission). They are Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman, who between them have written five books about the English language and have more than half a century of experience as writers and editors.

They include “Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English” (O’Conner), “Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language” (O’Connor and Kellerman), and “You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online” (O’Connor and Kellerman).

O’Conner spent 15 years at the New York Times mostly editing at the Book Review but also writing articles and book reviews. She also wrote The Times’s weekly columns on new video releases and paperback books. Kellerman, a foreign correspondent at United Press International, took over that column at the Times, where he worked as an editor, wrote articles on literary subjects and reviewed books.

From the Grammarphobia blog:Q: On CNN, all the anchors use the expression “take a listen” instead of just “listen” or “listen to this.”

Does that sound as caustic to you as it does to me?A: We don’t know about caustic, but it certainly sounds puffed up, condescending, and lame. We could go on, but let us quote from the entry for this “infantile phrase” in The Dimwit’s Dictionary (2d ed.), by Robert Hartwell Fiske:“As inane as it is insulting, have (take) a listen obviously says nothing that listen alone does not. Journalists and media personalities who use this offensive phrase ought to be silenced; businesspeople, dismissed; public officials, pilloried.”Unfortunately, this horse is out of the barn. We just googled “take a listen” and got 725,000 hits.

The expression hasn’t made it yet into modern dictionaries, but The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.) and Cambridge Dictionaries Online include examples of somewhat similar usages.Here’s the American Heritage example: “Would you like to give the CD a listen before buying it?”And this is the example from Cambridge Dictionaries:

“Have a listen to this!”The word “listen,” by the way, has been used as a noun for centuries in expressions like “to be on the listen” or “to have a proper listen.”In fact, the earliest citation in the Oxford English Dictionary for “listen” as a noun dates from the 1300s. In an apparent reference to becoming deaf or hard of hearing, the writer wonders if someone “has losed the lysten.”
