Lyndon Johnson, Just Another Schmuck Lookin’ Out for His Nuts

Yes. A Repost. If you do nothing else, please scroll down and listen to the clip. It is hysterical (and real) Even better.

Cheers Y’all and Happy Saturday    Oops! Sunday (is it?)  


Lyndon Baines Johnson

Texan, Father, School Teacher, Rancher, & Much Maligned 36th President of The United States of America.

I love LBJ, or as Brother Dave Gardner ( once called him: ‘Daddy Bird’. Johnson was a divisive entity during his one and a half terms as president—primarily due of course to the Vietnam War—which he inherited. Yes, I realize I am gonna get some push back. Favorably mention ‘LBJ’ even today and you best stand by for some unhappy and contentious words.

Young Daddy Bird

Young Daddy Bird

The problem I have, in general, when talking to folks about Johnson is that most are ignorant of the man, his history, his upbringing; his good works: Rural electrification for Texas. Medicare, Civil Rights, The Great Society (never really came to fruition, due to Vietnam) and so on.

Once he became ‘The Accidental President’ he took JFK’s dreams and made them reality. Johnson could do that. Why? Because he was the consummate politician—far more effective than Jack Kennedy.

JFK’s dreams were hollow pipes. Johnson made them happen. This is historical fact: For those of you who would care to search it out. For those who don’t really care to do that: Just-Trust-Me on this one, ‘cause I am a Texan, and Texans don’t lie (overmuch).

I have read all of Robert Caro’s books ( on LBJ and I have done my own research, and I have my own memories.

During the Sixty-Four election, my Mom, the original Hippy Chick informed me she was voting for Goldwater.

“Goldwater! Mom! Are you serious?”

“Yes Son. He is right for America.”
“‘Right?!’ Right don’t even come close: just to the right of Attila the Hun.” (Even at that tender age of seven, I was politically astute. Honestly.)

Our country does not produce colorful leaders like LBJ anymore. 

Much of the blame must be placed on the information revolution and the manifestation of the instant sound bite. I am not bemoaning the Information Age. I would not be able to throw my thoughts so carelessly about to the entire world if it were not for this Internet Thing we all embrace.

All I am saying is one must ponder how many potential great leaders are out there, but refuse to step up to the plate simply because they do not wish to have every word they have ever uttered tweeted or twerked or posted or face-booked for all to see. Some things should still be classified as TMI. That is just good manners.

What if JFK had had the internet to deal with? We would all have known of his affair with MM. WWBS? What would Bill ‘Oh Really’ Say? We would have been ass-deep in the Cuban Missile Crisis, but Fox and CNN and even MSNBC would have burned more video on JFK’s infidelity. Castro would have loved it. Just sayin’…

My Step-sister worked for Oliver Stone on the film JFK. She was one of the on-set-dressers. We got into a heated argument over the whole conspiracy thing. She was convinced that LBJ was behind it all. I know quite a lot about LBJ as I have mentioned. I have done my research and I love Texas history.

Anyway I asked her upon what she based her unwavering belief.

She said, “That photograph of Johnson taking the oath of office on Air Force One in Dallas.”

Smug Ladybird?

Smug? Ladybird? (Just behind his right hand, in case y’all don’t recognize her) Of course, that is Jackie on the other side.

“You’re shitting me,” I said.

“Look at that photo and see how smug Ladybird looks in it. You just know then and there, she knew the whole thing.”

“I think I need a drink,” was all I could muster by way of response.

(Oh! And my step-mother worked for Jack Ruby: I know some shit about it)

Just sayin’…

I am not writing here as an apologist for LBJ. My focus is on the wonderful Texan caricature character he was. His humor, his down-to-earth’ed-ness, his vibrant lust for life, his convictions, and his larger-than-worldly-life persona: His ‘Texan-ness’.

Therein lies the rub for me. Johnson could be a buffoon. He could be portrayed as an idiot. He could be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. He would be chastised and eventually ostracized.

But he got shit done!

He was a great, moral, honorable man.

No one will ever convince me otherwise (but you are certainly welcome to try)

Watch and listen to the Video Clip. It proves my point (and it is hysterical). These tapes were released a few years back. I have them all.

Priceless they are (His Family Jewels)

Comments would be appreciated here, no matter which direction you lean.


I just throw this in, ’cause it is my blog and I like it.


Make It Stop! Make it Stop! MAKE IT STOP!! Jesus Christ On-a-Cracker! Please Make It Stop!

“This is a Rant. Please Do NOT Read. It is Only For me: Venting. Spewing. Pontificating. Bitching, Moaning, & Complaining.” (But On-The-Record)

Stop saying stupid things…

“Take a Listen.

Jordan Peterson

Far More Eloquent Than I–Er—Me.:

Cred For Vid Share: Living your Dreams



The Truth Why Stupid People Think They’re Smart:

Cred for Vid Share: Thoughty2


“Take a listen.”


Fuck does that mean???

Broadcast news always says, “Take a listen”

Take it where?

Put it where?

In my pocket??

How ’bout this:

I will ‘take’ this ‘listen’, put it in my pocket. Then I will pull it out of my pocket and shove it straight up your ass. Now YOU take it!

How’s that?

How’s it Feel?

How’d That Work Out for Ya?


Economy of language!

Now I’ll be the first to admit, I am more verbose than the average mo’fo’ you may encounter, but, but… I at least try to be original.

When did we get so stupid???

“Stupid People”

Cred: George

How about this:

“Here is a video report. Listen to it. Watch it.

If you want

Or Not.”


Cred for Vid: AwakenWithJP


Can we stop saying ‘take a listen’?

By Valerie StraussJanuary 24, 2016

If you listen to the news — pretty much any channel — it is likely that it won’t take more than a few minutes for you to hear someone say “take a listen” and then go to some video. I know it’s hardly one of the world’s big (or even little) problems, and it’s hardly a new one, but I cringe when I hear it. I’m not the only one.

The authors of the great Grammarphobia blog have been on this since 2008, and following is the post they wrote then, and updated on Saturday, Jan. 23 (which I am republishing with permission). They are Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman, who between them have written five books about the English language and have more than half a century of experience as writers and editors.

They include “Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English” (O’Conner), “Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language” (O’Connor and Kellerman), and “You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online” (O’Connor and Kellerman).

O’Conner spent 15 years at the New York Times mostly editing at the Book Review but also writing articles and book reviews. She also wrote The Times’s weekly columns on new video releases and paperback books. Kellerman, a foreign correspondent at United Press International, took over that column at the Times, where he worked as an editor, wrote articles on literary subjects and reviewed books.

From the Grammarphobia blog:Q: On CNN, all the anchors use the expression “take a listen” instead of just “listen” or “listen to this.”

Does that sound as caustic to you as it does to me?A: We don’t know about caustic, but it certainly sounds puffed up, condescending, and lame. We could go on, but let us quote from the entry for this “infantile phrase” in The Dimwit’s Dictionary (2d ed.), by Robert Hartwell Fiske:“As inane as it is insulting, have (take) a listen obviously says nothing that listen alone does not. Journalists and media personalities who use this offensive phrase ought to be silenced; businesspeople, dismissed; public officials, pilloried.”Unfortunately, this horse is out of the barn. We just googled “take a listen” and got 725,000 hits.

The expression hasn’t made it yet into modern dictionaries, but The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.) and Cambridge Dictionaries Online include examples of somewhat similar usages.Here’s the American Heritage example: “Would you like to give the CD a listen before buying it?”And this is the example from Cambridge Dictionaries:

“Have a listen to this!”The word “listen,” by the way, has been used as a noun for centuries in expressions like “to be on the listen” or “to have a proper listen.”In fact, the earliest citation in the Oxford English Dictionary for “listen” as a noun dates from the 1300s. In an apparent reference to becoming deaf or hard of hearing, the writer wonders if someone “has losed the lysten.”

OK. Very Last Re-Run, Then I’m Done. Believe me? Good. I Also Have A Bridge For-Sale, (Not Cheap, But Affordable)

“Glen Miller Kicked Some Serious Ass! Kinda-Sorta Updated–For Our Current ‘Happy Times’–Please Enjoy Please”

I Love Our Rich American Culture!
I love My Having Been Blessed

To Have Been Born An American.
And Yes!
I Am A Veteran!

Erstwhile Vegetarian

(… Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone; they will take away my Texan Citizenship)

(And A Patriot!)

And I love My Country!

Wanna Test The Veracity of My Statement?

Well, Stand By For Heavy Rolls!

As The Shit Hits Your Fan!

I’ve got a Gal in Kalamazoo

Singer Cred: Tex Beneke.

Just Gotta Love A Guy Whose First Name is “TEX”

Cred for Lady Vocalist: Marion Hutton.

And Mad Props to all Them Other ‘Et-Als” Also Appearing.

Cred for Vid Share: afftechmei


Tuxedo Junction

Listen to the MC:

He says, and I quote:

“Here’s Glen Miller; he’s back with his horn and ready to beat it off.”

I ’bout fell out my chair when I heard that!


Chattanooga Choo Choo

Perhaps Y’all May Come To Understand my



Connection to this.

Sam Houston:

First President of

“The Republic of Texas

Former Guv of Tennessee, Drunkard. Great, Brave Man.

Soldier of the First Order

Military Genius

He Retains a Special Place In My Heart.

I Admire Him.

He married a Cherokee

“After running away from his family as a teenager, Houston lived for nearly three years with the Cherokee tribe in eastern Tennessee. …

There, the tribe formally adopted him, and he married a Cherokee woman, Tiana Rogers, in a tribal ceremony.”




Fuckin’ Right???



Added Value Bonus/Onus/… Own us?


Bonus Below

I love these broads!

Cliché? Yeah,

But “The Greatest Generation” of our Nation.

Isn’t it amazin’ how we used to be a happy nation, even in the middle of a fucking World War? Somewhere we lost our lust of life and sense of humor. Now all we seem to wanna do is be assholes to one another….

Whoever don’t agree with our politics. Makes me fucking sad. Someone send me a time machine. I want live somewhere else, some other decade.


And just for fun:



More Bonus/’Added-Value’ Bull-Shite

You’re Welcome

Am I “Pre-Propose’d” I Suppose… To Eat Up All This Trite Shite? This ‘Healthy Shite?’ This Tripe? Or, As We Used To Say In My Nav: “As Long As It Makes A Turd.”

I Don’t Think So. I Just Wanna Enjoy My Life.

As Much As Of It That Remains Anyhow

Ed. Note:

I ‘Added’ A Lot of Shite To This Post–

Fun Fac: Liza’s Mom Was Judy–

But I Do NOT Wish To Insult Your Intelligence–

Y’all Already Know This!

Mostly Minnelli.

Survey Sez:

“Check It Out”


Lisa With A “Z”


I Will Fuk U UP!

If You Ever Do

“Come Hear The Music Play”

I am gonna lie down Now

I Think I Have Hard-Nailed My Point

Poss’d of All of all the Painful Sins


But My Mommy Had More Ambitions For Me.

“A Dime in Time Saves… Uh… Lemme Guess…

Ten Cents?”

Coin Flip Lands on Side/Edge

Cred: Creezy

I’m Shittin’ On A Rainbow”

Fred Sanford: Forever Cock-Eyed Optimist.

As Am I!



Johnny Mercer –

Accentuate The Positive:


What Are the Odds?


“A Dime Only Lands On it’s Edge–

Once in a Life-Time–“

I Just made that up!

Good For Me!

You’re Kidding Me Right?

Bring Me A Slice Of Pizza!

Triple Cheese!

Double Cholesterol & Be Damn Quick About It!

I Don’t Have Much Time.

Cred For Vid: Bobfunk96


I Have But One Life’s Coin To Spend

I Plan To Spend It Wisely

Pizza Russian Roulette:

Screw It!

Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off!

(I Know I Keep Droppin’ This One In–But I LOVE It!)

So There!


I love her hat—Just





The Bugs/Roaches Are Runnin’ Rampant In My


And I Cannot Find My Bug-Spray

I Don’t Care!

Why Cannot We All Just Live Together?

Cred: Sade


So I’m Patiently Waitin’ For My ‘Edit’ to Post–

Gonna Take Some Years and Not Just A Few Beers

Fuk U WP!


Yes! This Post May Be Disturbing to Some Casual Readers, But Those of YOU Who KNOW Me, Know That I am INSANE!

Other than THAT, I’m a Real SWELL Guy.

May I take Your Daughter to The Prom?

I’ll have Her Home By Dawn!–I Promise!


Cred: Salty Cracker



Cred for Vid: Paragon Kelvin (And of course: Sinatra)


Crit Drinker Review!



This is




Cred: Crit Drinker Man! My MAN!


Arthur Shoots Asshole


Ever Feel Like ‘Goin’ Postal?’

I Sure-As-Shit Do!


Y’all know I wouldn’t hurt a fly.








Cuomo is in DEEP SHIT!

Cred: Salt Man

Sh*thole Cities Run by Leftists 💩

Cred: Paul Joseph Watson

Rumor Is That Joe Biden Pooped Himself At Vatican Meeting

Cred: Salt Man

The Left is Losing Their Minds Over This New Documentary Film!

Cred: Dice Man


Topher – Let’s Go Brandon (feat. @D.Cure & @The Marine Rapper)


Trump Explodes Lefty Heads By Doing Tomahawk Chop At World Series

Cred: Salt Man


Production Hell – Batwoman

Cred: Crit Drinker Man

Make It Stop! Make it Stop! MAKE IT STOP!! Jesus Christ On-a-Cracker! Dear Lord, Please Make It Stop!

This is a Rant. Please Do NOT Read. It is Only For me: Venting. Spewing. Pontificating. Bitching, Moaning, & Complaining.” (But On-The-Record)

Stop saying stupid things…

“Take a Listen.

Jordan Peterson

Far More Eloquent Than I:

Cred For Vid Share: Living your Dreams



The Truth Why Stupid People Think They’re Smart:

Cred for Vid Share: Thoughty2


“Take a listen.”


Fuck does that mean???

Broadcast news always says, “Take a listen”

Take it where?

Put it where?

In my pocket??

How ’bout this:

I will ‘take’ this ‘listen’, put it in my pocket. Then I will pull it out of my pocket and shove it straight up your ass. Now YOU take it!

How’s that?

How’s it Feel?

How’d That Work Out for Ya?


Economy of language!

Now I’ll be the first to admit, I am more verbose than the average mo’fo’ you may encounter, but, but… I at least try to be original.

When did we get so stupid???

“Stupid People”

Cred: George

How about this:

“Here is a video report. Listen to it. Watch it.

If you want

Or Not.”


Cred for Vid: AwakenWithJP


Can we stop saying ‘take a listen’?

By Valerie StraussJanuary 24, 2016

If you listen to the news — pretty much any channel — it is likely that it won’t take more than a few minutes for you to hear someone say “take a listen” and then go to some video. I know it’s hardly one of the world’s big (or even little) problems, and it’s hardly a new one, but I cringe when I hear it. I’m not the only one.

The authors of the great Grammarphobia blog have been on this since 2008, and following is the post they wrote then, and updated on Saturday, Jan. 23 (which I am republishing with permission). They are Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman, who between them have written five books about the English language and have more than half a century of experience as writers and editors.

They include “Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English” (O’Conner), “Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language” (O’Connor and Kellerman), and “You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online” (O’Connor and Kellerman).

O’Conner spent 15 years at the New York Times mostly editing at the Book Review but also writing articles and book reviews.

She also wrote The Times’s weekly columns on new video releases and paperback books. Kellerman, a foreign correspondent at United Press International, took over that column at the Times, where he worked as an editor, wrote articles on literary subjects and reviewed books.

From the Grammarphobia blog:Q: On CNN, all the anchors use the expression “take a listen” instead of just “listen” or “listen to this.”

Does that sound as caustic to you as it does to me?A: We don’t know about caustic, but it certainly sounds puffed up, condescending, and lame. We could go on, but let us quote from the entry for this “infantile phrase” in The Dimwit’s Dictionary (2d ed.), by Robert Hartwell Fiske:“As inane as it is insulting, have (take) a listen obviously says nothing that listen alone does not.

Journalists and media personalities who use this offensive phrase ought to be silenced; businesspeople, dismissed; public officials, pilloried.”Unfortunately, this horse is out of the barn. We just googled “take a listen” and got 725,000 hits.

The expression hasn’t made it yet into modern dictionaries, but The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.) and Cambridge Dictionaries Online include examples of somewhat similar usages.Here’s the American Heritage example: 

“Would you like to give the CD a listen before buying it?”And this is the example from Cambridge Dictionaries:

“Have a listen to this!”The word “listen,” by the way, has been used as a noun for centuries in expressions like “to be on the listen” or “to have a proper listen.”In fact, the earliest citation in the Oxford English Dictionary for “listen” as a noun dates from the 1300s. In an apparent reference to becoming deaf or hard of hearing, the writer wonders if someone “has losed the lysten.”