I Don’t Even Know Where to Begin

I thought the world


fucked on August 08, 2014.

Little did I know

I had no idea things were so good then compared to where we would find ourselves on August 08, 2020.

We are, all of us, properly fucked.

(At least we shall all go down together.)

While Riding On this Blue Marble.

For Barney

From the Mouth of Babes,
Unpretentious Honesty:


(RIP, My Old, Old, Old, Old Friend)

Barney’s not buyin’
The bullshit they’re tryin’
Space rock was his ending
Not God’s will unbending

They say the Big Bang
Just weren’t a real thang
They ‘know’ evolution’s
Not their solution

Yet science creates
Kids who think straight
It don’t take no sleuth
To find the true truth

Religion has pending
A major upending
Then faster than light
Their god turns to shite