No! Oh No! Lance! Restrain Yer-Self Son! Why?? Daily Lenny: A Perverse Act, Pissing in the Sink, Truth Time: I Have Pissed In A Lot of Sinks During My Haze-Daze.

C’mon Guys (and Gals) fess up: Have you ever pissed in a sink?

I know I have.

More Lenny Here:

Related: Please Don’t Shit in my Shower

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2 thoughts on “No! Oh No! Lance! Restrain Yer-Self Son! Why?? Daily Lenny: A Perverse Act, Pissing in the Sink, Truth Time: I Have Pissed In A Lot of Sinks During My Haze-Daze.

  1. Like Jacky Jack used to sing:
    “That the answer my friend is just pissin’ in the wind
    Oh the answer is pissin’ in the sink”

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