Please Do NOT Look At This. Let Alone READ It. TRIGGER WARNING!

This Post is Obnoxious & Insulting, But It Accurately Depicts My Mood At The Time I Wrote it.


I NEVER Lie to Y’all. And I NEVER ‘Sugar-Coat’ Nothin’.

Updated! Had to Add Some Linda at The End–Cannot Believe I Forgot!

This Post is all Fucked UP.

Guess What? I No Longer Dare to CArE! Don’t GIvE A sHiT! fUcK IT!

“Hearts are like AssHoles; eVer’one gOts one!”

Oh My God!

I Can’t Believe It’s Happening

(To Me)


And Yes,

I Was Just Re-Leashed From Hospital

Yesterday Noon

Had to pay some Kid Twenty Quid Just to Drive Me Home

(‘Bout half-a-mile)

And No,

I Could NOT ‘Walk It”

For You See:

My Legs Had Stopped Working

For Some Bizarre Reason


Wasted Time

I Honestly Don’t Know Why I Waste My Finite Time.

I Pull Together All Kinds of Poignant Videos.

No One Watches.

God Forbid Someone Comments!

Takes Some Time

Drops a Thin Dime


“Thank You! You Made Me Laugh!”

Oh Hell NO!

Cannot Be Bothered To Spend A Fuckin’ Mouse Clik!

Fuck All Y’all!

And I Do Sincerely Mean That!

Vid Share Cred: Chris Spags

Content Creator: K Ryan Jones (I think)

And of Course The Mesmerizin’

Connie Britton


George Don’t Give A Shit

He is My Spirit Animal

George Ref’ d The Magic Words!


“Bobby Darin”

“Mack the Knife”

Anyone who reads me, knows most of my shit is bullshit about women! is about women–my relationships with women. I love women. This is well-documented.

I have broken lots of hearts.

I Regret That Now

I am Truly Sorry

Lots of good woman hearts.

My heart, my one one, my only one, has been broken too.

I should take better care of it.

Try to Look out for it.


More earnestly.

More diligently.

Less carelessly.

Heart Broke.

More times than I wish to recount.


I always manage

to sailor on.

And I will.




This is cruel.



Billie Holiday

A National Treasure

Tragic Ophilia

Cred for Vid: jakuerika

Billie H is the broad singing; but you knew that already….


And crude.

But it is how I choose to survive.

I honestly have no choice in the matter.

Yeah! I’m An Asshole!

Streetcar My Desire


If you do not get my sense of humor, you are in the wrong place.

And you need to leave.


Right Now.

Right Fuckin’ Now

And In Haste

Hasta La Vista!

Lo Siento Mi Vida


In My Humble Opinion, This is One Of The Most Beautiful, Wonderful Songs Ever Performed and Performed By The Most Beautiful, Talented Woman in the World

(Sorry Joni–Forgive me later–I’ll buy you lunch–I Promise.)

Comments are magical