Do Re Mi

Street Cred For Below Vid: Anne Miller

Street Cred for Shared Vid: ‘clevelandlivemusic’


I Love my readers.

(Both of you)




But this post will throw Y’all into a ‘Tale’ Spin. And may just bring your loyalty into question… such as it may be. Didn’t ask for it, but do appreciate it–in whatever manifest.


Do Re Mi

Below is my FAVORITE  Version.

Sadly, I cannot find a clip, nor even a Thumbnail.

Listen Anyway…

(Trust me: I’m with The Government)


Because I am a Socialist

Dust bowl

Or Why Not?


Perhaps ’cause you don’t tread between the lines’.

(And for those of you who, who do, I do sincerely apologize) 

“Peace and Happiness”



Yeah! I am embracing….that!


This post made absolutely no SENSE!

(If you love me; you will humor me!)

If you don’t, you won’t.

Either way…

I do appreciate any time you expend here


P.S. I Served My Country




Credit: Kris

Today, a magical thing happened to me.

I’ll edit this later…

But for now I gotta go see a goat about a man. Be right back…


I woke up.

I woke up happy.

This has not happened in some years.

Why? Why now? Why today?

Well shit! I have no fucking clue, but I do know this:

It was a welcome change. I woke up Happy!

Fucking Happy!

And ’till now, I have maintained it.

And I am gonna embrace it ’till it leaves.


Now I had planned a very verbose post about my theories of depression but then I said,

“Naw! There are others who dedicate their lives to depression. They live for this shit.”

Who am I? I just went passing through…

“Just passing,” Thank You,

“Mind the gap.”

(You probably have to be British to appreciate that last bit)

Here’s to “Happy Days Are Here Again!”

(I’ll take them)

Evey’ one.

Y’all should too.

well we will marry and tarry


Here is a happy song to get you ‘in the mood’:

The moodiness of happiness:

“The Line Forms to the Right”

Just choose Happy