If You Are ‘A Madonna Hater’, I Humbly Suggest Y’all Skip This One.

WOW! This POST Is Way Tooo Long!

“I’m Still A-Searchin’ For My Rainbow “Happy Place!”

Oh Wait! I Found IT!

LOST At Sea In Maddy-Madness!”


Brings Me Happiness!

Endless Happy!


She Has Enriched My Life!

Immensely! Immeasurably!


(I spent a few little minutes building this one)

I do hope you enjoy my “Work”!)


“Searchin For A Rainbow”



Yep. I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool


Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go fu*k yourselves. (Just Jokin’)

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-My-Senior-Level Brit Lit Professor, propped me down in front of the TV one night and plugged in

“Truth or Dare.”

And Then All She Said Was,

“Watch This! And LOVE It! If You Don’t,

Our “Future Flies Right Out The Window!

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

Of Course I Watched it

And Loved It!

What Other Choice Did I Have?

I was hopin’ to get laid

Fun Fact:


And It Was Magical

By the End of the Film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy,

(Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!


“God Knows, I’m A Bitch!”


Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!

I’m Still Searchin’ For My Rainbow “Happy Place” Oh Wait. Found IT! Madonna Brings Me Happiness. Endless Happy-Ness! Kinda like pondering the Actual Existence of Nessie, The Loch-Ness Monster

I LOVE HER! She Has Enriched My Life! Immensely! Immeasurably! Fore-ev’r-ably! (I spent a few little minutes building this one) I do hope you enjoy my “Work”!)


Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go fuck yourselves.

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-the-Professor, sat me down in front of the TV one night and put on “Truth or Dare.”

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

By the end of the film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!



Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!

Little Bird

Jerry Jeff

My Main Man

I Forgive you that paralyzed fact that you are from

Up-State New York

Street cred for vid: 709Austin

Fun fact I just noticed. (And I generally notice a lot…. Bullshit!

I generally Miss mos ever’thang. missed this one first time around…

Fun fact; One of the dudes in the band is Nat Maines daddy…. Lloyd)

(Helpful Hint: He’s the dude on the steel gee tar.)

Mister Lloyd Maines:


If you do not laugh at this, you are not human.

From a recently sent email string to a woman I am trying to woo…. and failing ‘Les Miserables’ at it.


A little bird landed on my vehicle. I approached/reproached said little bird. Then Asked,

“What do you want, Little Bird?”

Little Bird said,”I have a msg for you.”

“Do tell, and do not shit on my car.”

He/she said (difficult to establish gender in these situations) He/She/It said,

“Marla is bored with you. Move on”

“Thanks” I said, as I went back into mi casa…. looking for my shotgun…


I came back.
Little bird was gone.
I shot out my head-lights anyway.
No point in wasting my rage.
Or my big-ass twelve gauge.


Hour later, a policeman showed up
I invited him to go get fucked.

Probably not the wisest words ever to ever escape my lips.


Author’s note adddd-end-um:

This was supposed to be a ‘light’ post.

I fucked it up.

I dropped in a very sad song.

By Jerry Jeff

A ‘Lost Gonzo Band’ song I have been listening to all my nat’ral life.

But I never really listened to the words.

Until now.

Wish I hadn’t.

Thank You Steven For “Forcing” Me To Re-Post This One.

Rejoice Dear Hearts!

Ain’t Nothin’ But Good Times Ahead!

The Good Old Days Are



Well, Come November Mid-Terms Anyhow

That’s ‘Right’ Kiddoes:

Lance is Driftin’ Slightly To Starboard

Meet me in September, Errr.

I Mean November!

Please Check Back Early & Often.

I Have Some Kind of Sneaky Suspicion

This Post Remains a WIP

Stay Tuned!


Bill Wurtz

Genius Man!

“Sing Me A Strong Song And I Won’t Give UP”

“Rejoice Children of Splendor”

–Brother Dave Gardner

May Require A ‘Trigger Warning’

Jes Sayin’

I’ll Leave It To Y’all To Figure Out Why

I don’t want no fat liver

Cred Fer Share: –mauricemorning

Brother Dave Gardner

“Red River Valley”

Cred for Share: Perry Amberson


And Don’t Forget Y’all:

ALWAYS Try A Little Kindness


If That Don’t Work, You Are Obviously Dealin’ With An Asshole.

So Go Ahead:

Feel Free to Stomp The Ever-Lovin’ Shit Outta Him.

You Will Have My Blessing

I Ain’t no Saint,

But I Will Never Turn My Back On My Fellow Man
(Or WoMan)

I have given more money than I could spare…

To the Homeless.

No Brag, Just fact.

No one was there to take A Photo


I Just did it.

Because I am a Good, Caring, Loving, Decent Man

And I Understand the Plight

(There but for the Grace of God Go I)

Of Those Who Have Taken On Hard Times

With All Their Might

Just Think About It For A Moment

There are so many reasons today to rejoice.

We are living in wonderful, so alive, so vibrant times.


Ponder this: you can communicate with anyone in the world at any time with just a mouse click or a keyboard strike.

Could anyone have imagined this just a decade or so ago?

The opportunities we have today!

It blows my mind (what little is left of it).

But there is enough of it left to fully appreciate how fortunate we are.

As Carly once sang:

“These are the Good Old Days.”

And we are living them. Right Now

Trust me on this one folks.

Appreciate what we have here.

Do not squander these opportunities to be ‘social.’

This is what it means to be ‘human.’ To be social. It is genetic, hard-wired into our psyche. It is what makes us, Us.

If it weren’t, we would never have evolved into what we are.

And hence, we would not be here today to watch cute cat videos.

(And ever’ once in a while, have some meaningful conversation on the Inter-Webs)

Be Kind: Rewind. And recall the bad old dark days and appreciate what we have now:


Moody Blues:

“Lovely to See You Again,

My Friend”

Think about what we have going on here.

So, do not waste any opportunity to reach out if something is important and moves you.

But save the cute cat videos for later: we have seen them all—just kidding.

If You’re Happy And You Know It…

Cred: Super Simple Songs – Kids Songs


End of rant

Thank You.

Drive Through.



Just Chillin’

“These ARE The GOOD Old Days”


Added Value Below

Just Because I am Crushed by A Crush

“In Your Dreams Lance”

In My Dreams

Artist: Lanie Gardner

Vid Cred: Thrifty Mint

Positive Vibes!

Uncle Bob

“Live if ya Wanna Live!”

Stay Positive Y’all!

I have Been in-Love With Elizabeth Montgomery ,

Since…. Since ….

Since Forever!

I Love My Life & And All My Ex-Wifes— I Love Being Alive. To Thrive. And Still Walkin’ Around On This Planet. I’m Just Sayin’. I am Always Up-Beat! (And Positively Positive)

Cock-Eyed Optimist:

Happy Days Are Here Again

Don’t Rain On My Parade!

I am so happy today!


Creds: Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry Be Happy 


I put some few little minutes into this piece–please revisit–Maddy Enriches My Life. She Brings me Joy and Happy-mess. I absolutely Adore Her!

Al Green

The fonts in This post are all whacked up. I may edit it later, but don’t count on it–It is readable. I Will Forever Be Perpetually In Love With Her. I Have a “Madonna Problem.” Admitting is the First Step To Recovery. So they Say… I’m Still Searching’ For My Rainbow “Happy Place!” Oh Wait! Found IT! Madonna!


Not an old post, but, on my mind of late.

(I put a lot of ‘work’ and ‘effort’ into this one…. some beers ago…)

WOKE Folk?

Go f*ck yourselves.

To be quite honest, I had never been a big fan,

Until… My Third, Lisa-the-Professor, sat me down in front of the TV one night and put on “Truth or Dare.”

(The Blond Ambition Tour)

By the end of the film, I was IN-Love.

And In-Awe.

And In-Respect.

“The Girl, she works hard for the money.”

(Sorry Donna)

Madonna Keeping It Real:

From that night forward, I could never get enough Madonna in my life.

Still true today.


When I was working at Latson’s Printing & Office Supply I kept a framed photo of Madonna on my desk.

One day a customer asked me, while pointing at the photo,

“Is that your daughter?”

“Naw” I said, “That’s my Mom.”


I discovered a little black pin left on the cork board June (My landlady and sometime lover) had on the wall of the kitchen.

Guess it had lost its magic for her. NOT for Me though.

Such a Treasure!

It read, “More Madonna, Less Jesus.”

Naturally, I had to pin it on my shirt and wear it to work, much to the distress of Dick Latson, Owner and Boss-Man.

Baptists and Church-of-Christers made up a large portion of our clientele. Oh, and Methodists too.

To his credit, Dick did not tell / order me to remove the pin.

But since I could see that my wearing it caused him not a little anguish, I only wore it that one day. Just wanted to see how many people’s buttons I could push.

Actually I (disappointedly) only got one comment the entire day:

A slightly fortyish attractive lady remarked as I was ringing up her purchases,

“I think your pin should say ‘More Jesus, Less Madonna’”

I replied, “I originally ordered that one, but was told those were on back-order, so I had to settle for this one instead”

(Yeah, I was somewhat of a smartass back then)

But she laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

Of course, I always kept my Madonna Photo prominently displayed upon my desk.


Now I am cognizant of the fact that there are myriad ‘Madonna Haters’ out there in ‘Radio Land.’

Here is My Philosophy, (Well-Documented in some of my posts) and some advice:

You don’t have to love the ‘artist-person’ to love the art. There are lots of performers I detest because of their off-stage persona or antics, or just piss-poor personality in general.

But… That does not stop me from enjoying and appreciating their art.

I do not give two shits about their politics, arrogance, religion, sexual preferences, et cetera. If their art entertains and enriches my life, I am good with them.

On the other hand, they can be as wonderful and charming as all get out, but if they have no true performance talent, I move on.

Here is the advice part for anyone out there who may need it:

Do not be so narrow and small-minded, and full of your own morality that you prevent yourself from enjoying good art.

That loss is yours.

And yours alone.

Believe me, the artists, the great ones especially, don’t give a shit if you boycott them or not.


Try to remember:

“Life is a Cabaret”

Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t deny yourself value and enjoyment in your life just because some great performer pisses you off due to their persona while off-stage.

You most assuredly have conquered My World Baby!



Of Course when “Evita” Premiered in Dallas Lisa and I were First in-Line at the Box-Office.

Good Thing Too, as The Movie Sold Out Quickly


Beaucoup More Madonna Below.

Feel Free to Cherry-Pick.

Or Watch Them All!